Wanted! A global initiative for certification of CSR

Stakeholders and society in general are becoming more conscious about sustainability and corporate values each day. To this extent, there have been many instruments that have been adopted to encourage corporate sustainability in businesses. The Dow Jones Index on Sustainability, Global Reporting Initiative’s (GRI) sustainability reporting, UN Global Compact’s Annual Communication of Progress (COP) Report, ISO […] ... lees meer

CSR Europe reinforces work on business and human rights and global value chains

CSR Europe is reinforcing its work on business and human rights and supply chain sustainability with a revamped project, ‘Source for Good – Advancing the human rights and sustainability agenda in global value chains’. This development will enhance the support for CSR Europe’s member companies to develop innovative solutions to embed sustainability in their value chains. […] ... lees meer

GSMA Publishes Report Detailing the Mobile Industry’s Impact in Achieving the Sustainable Development Goals

At the United Nations Private Sector Forum (20 September), the GSMA unveiled the `2016 Mobile Industry Impact Report: Sustainable Development Goals’, a ground-breaking study that provides a current assessment of the mobile industry’s impact in achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), and outlines future actions that will expand and strengthen that impact. The GSMA also announced […] ... lees meer

Making business sense of the Paris Agreement on Climate Change

The Cambridge Institute for Sustainability Leadership launched new guidance to help business leaders understand the implications of the Paris Agreement. On the occasion of Climate Week NYC 2016, the Cambridge Institute for Sustainability Leadership (CISL) launched a new business briefing to help companies prepare the transition to a zero carbon future. A new climate for business: […] ... lees meer

Indo-Dutch CSR & Sustainability Forum

An Indo-Dutch CSR & Sustainability forum was held on 15 September and co-hosted by the Center for Responsible Business (CRB). The forum specifically focused on the Supply-Chain aspect of the CSR/Sustainability question. H.E. Ambassador Stoelinga had the honor of inaugurating the Indo-Dutch CSR & Sustainability forum – the first of its kind in India! The Indo-Dutch […] ... lees meer

Big step forward for the cocoa sector with new global standards in the pipeline

As the demand for cocoa and chocolate rises, as seen over the last few years, so has the need to address many of the challenges faced by cocoa farmers in order to improve their livelihoods and that of their families. A new series of standards under development that aims to support cocoa farmers to produce sustainably […] ... lees meer

Major multinationals at forefront of drive to price carbon and meet climate targets but many companies still unprepared

Internal carbon pricing is moving from theory to practice with take up at more than 1,200 companies, a 23% increase year on year, with close to 150 embedding a carbon price deep into their corporate strategy, according to the latest research by CDP, the global climate change disclosure non-profit. In Europe the number of companies […] ... lees meer

New agri-business alliance gets its sights on 2030 UN SDG targets

Thirty-six leading agri-business companies have launched the Global Agri-business Alliance (GAA) in Singapore. Their aim is to collectively tackle the major environmental and social challenges facing agricultural supply chains and rural communities across the world. Announced at the Building Sustainable Futures Forum sponsored by Olam International, the newly-formed GAA is a CEO-led private sector initiative seeking to contribute […] ... lees meer

Accelerating the energy transition in The Netherlands: cost or opportunity?

Transforming the Netherlands’ energy system could provide a boost to the economy while lowering greenhouse-gas emissions in line with European goals. This is the conclusion of a report by consultancy firm McKinsey. To realize the European Union’s goal of cutting greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions by up to 95 percent by the year 2050, the Netherlands […] ... lees meer

Can Extended Producer Responsibility support the transition to a Circular Economy?

Dutch regulations have implemented Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) for a variety of products and waste streams. EPR means that producers become responsible, in a financial or operational way, for the end-of-life stage of products sold to consumers. Commissioned by the Dutch Ministry of Infrastructure and Environment, EY Climate Change and Sustainability (CcaSS) explored how Extended Producer […] ... lees meer

Report about circular economy innovation within the chemical industry

Between April and July 2016, Finch & Beak conducted a research on the maturity of circularity in the chemicals sector. The methodology consisted of a combination of desk research, an online questionnaire, in-depth interviews, and meta-data from Dow Jones Sustainability Index composer, RobecoSAM, and eRevalue. The study found that frontrunners are more often specialty chemicals […] ... lees meer

Enter The Circulars 2017, the world’s premier circular economy award program

The Circulars, the world’s premier circular economy award program recognising individuals and organizations making the circular economy a reality, is open for entries till 30 september!  The Circulars, an initiative of the World Economic Forum and the Forum of Young Global Leaders, is the world’s premier circular economy award program, offering recognition to individuals and organizations […] ... lees meer