Sustainable Business Can Unlock at Least US$12 Trillion in New Market Value, and Repair Economic System

More than 35 CEOs and civil society leaders of the Business & Sustainable Development Commission (the Commission) today reveal that sustainable business models could open economic opportunities worth at least US$12 trillion and up to 380 million jobs a year by 2030. Putting the Sustainable Development Goals, or Global Goals, at the heart of the […] ... lees meer

Report shows a third of consumers prefer sustainable brands

A new international study by Unilever reveals that a third of consumers (33%) are now choosing to buy from brands they believe are doing social or environmental good. The study asked 20,000 adults from five countries how their sustainability concerns impact their choices in-store and at home. Crucially, it then mapped their claims against real […] ... lees meer

The 2016 Global Sustainable Competitiveness Index is topped by 5 Scandanavian countries

The Global Sustainable Competiveness Ranking 2016 is topped by Sweden, followed by the other 4 Scandinavian nations. The Netherlands is ranked on place 29 (in the 2015 edition on place 28). Key take-aways – some surprising, others not-so-surprising – of the 2016 Index include: The Sustainable Competitiveness Index is topped by Scandinavian nations four the […] ... lees meer

Does CSR marketing work? It depends who and where you are

Consumers in dominant collectivist cultures, such as India and South Korea, are more likely to support corporate social responsibility, or CSR, initiatives from brands based in their own country as opposed to foreign or global corporations, according to a new study that includes a University of Kansas marketing and consumer behavior researcher. The researchers found […] ... lees meer

Nutreco launches new sustainability programme Nuterra

Nutreco has launched its new sustainability programme Nuterra, which sets out the company’s sustainability strategy and provides tools to implement it throughout the entire organisation. Building on existing efforts in the animal nutrition and aqua feed businesses of Nutreco, the new programme is more customer-centric and focused on actionable strategies and controls. Nuterra has been […] ... lees meer

Closing the Sustainability-Investor Relations Gap

Too few companies get clear sustainability performance messages out to their investors and one of the main barriers is the internal dynamic between Sustainability and IR departments. This is a key finding from SustainAbility’s latest research, Closing the Sustainability-Investor Relations Gap. The research makes the case for stronger internal engagement between Sustainability and Investor Relations (IR) […] ... lees meer

KPN in top 10 of the Global 800 ET Carbon Rankings 2016

The 2016 ET Carbon Rankings report demonstrates that investors can help drive decarbonisation of the economy and make money by switching investment to favour companies with above-average levels of carbon efficiency. It reveals that out of the world’s 2,000 biggest companies, the 1,000 least carbon-intensive have outperformed the 1,000 most carbon-intensive over the last five […] ... lees meer

WTO does not come to agreement on ‘green’ products

Ministers and senior officials from the 18 participants in the Environmental Goods Agreement (representing 46 WTO members) met in Geneva this weekend to work towards liberalising trade on a range of important environmental goods. Constructive talks were held and progress was made, but participants were not in a position to close the existing gaps at […] ... lees meer

RE100 calls on EU policy makers to help companies go 100% renewable

Priority access, ambitious targets, and transformational changes are needed from EU energy policy to help companies to meet their European electricity needs with renewables, shows a new report backed by leading businesses. The report comes as the EU Commission prepares to release a review of the EU Renewable Energy Directive and Market Design Initiative, expected […] ... lees meer

CDP reports a high increase in water-related financial impacts to business

Drought, flooding, increased water stress fueled by climate change, tightening environmental regulation and the cost of cleaning up water pollution and fines have all resulted in US$14 billion worth of water-related financial impacts to business. This is over five times the US$2.6 billion reported last year by companies providing information to investors on their management […] ... lees meer