AkzoNobel gets top grade on the CDP Supplier Climate A List

AkzoNobel has been awarded a top grade on the influential Supplier Climate A List of companies identified as being leaders in their actions to combat climate change.                                                       The list is compiled by the Carbon Disclosure Project (CDP), an international not-for-profit group which accelerates action to achieve sustainable economies. The ranking places AkzoNobel in the top […] ... lees meer

European Remanufacturing Council Launches With a Nod to Hollywood

At its launch today, the Conseil Européen de Remanufacture (European Remanufacturing Council) announced its plans to represent companies which produce €30 billion of remanufactured products and employ 190,000 people across Europe. Its work programme, aimed at global institutions such as the UN, the OECD and the World Bank, aims to increase to 5% the proportion […] ... lees meer

Why 98% of Companies Do Not Achieve Their Sustainability Goals

Many CEOs want to make a difference. Convinced that companies should play a positive role in environmental stewardship and social development, they declare sustainability a top priority, launch a transformation program, hire a chief sustainability officer, and commit millions of dollars and hundreds of hours of management time to the effort. Then momentum fades. It’s a […] ... lees meer

What’s Next for Business? Sustainability Trends for 2017

For SustainAbility’s annual trends report, the firm has identified ​10 issues that they believe have the greatest sustainability influence right now, calling out implications for the private sector in particular. 2016 brought profound global ​shifts including rising support for protectionism and populism, growing cybercrime and​ shifting global climate leadership, all​ amid significant political and economic instability. At the same […] ... lees meer

New Circular Design Guide launched by the Ellen MacArthur Foundation and IDEO at Davos

IDEO and the Ellen MacArthur Foundation have released the first design thinking guide for the circular economy. Created to drive awareness of the circular economy, the practical guide encourages innovators, entrepreneurs and corporate change-makers to ask new questions about value creation and long-term business health, and apply circular principles to their own organisations. The Circular […] ... lees meer

Business Leaders World-Wide Agree that Disruptive Technologies Can Drive Corporate Sustainability Efforts

Disruptive technologies and digital infrastructure have the potential to solve some of the world’s most pressing risks and to transform industries. These include safeguarding the planet’s soil and water, and improving inequality and education. This is the main conclusion of the 2017 Global Opportunity Report, released today by DNV GL, Sustainia and the United Nations Global […] ... lees meer

Suppliers report 434 million tonnes of emissions reductions as big buyers flex purchasing muscle

As the global economy moves towards implementation of its new climate goals, the world’s largest purchasing organizations are using their buying clout to drive down emissions across their supply chains. The Missing link: Harnessing the power of purchasing for a sustainable future report from CDP, written in partnership with BSR and the Carbon Trust, reveals that […] ... lees meer

New report finds that scaling the circular economy in Europe offers investment opportunities totalling €320 billion

The Ellen MacArthur Foundation’s latest report Achieving Growth Within, which was launched today in Davos, finds that scaling the circular economy in Europe offers investment opportunities totalling €320 billion in the food, mobility and built environment sectors. The study was produced by SYSTEMIQ in collaboration with the Ellen MacArthur Foundation, and sponsored by SUN. As […] ... lees meer

RE100 Annual Report: corporate sourcing of renewables holds key to net-zero emissions economy

Corporate sourcing of renewable electricity can be a major driver of the transition to a robust, zero-emissions economy, according to this year’s RE100 Annual Report, released today to coincide with the World Economic Forum Annual Meeting in Davos. RE100 is the global, collaborative initiative of the world’s most influential companies committed to 100% renewable power, led by The Climate […] ... lees meer

Industry endorses plan to recycle 70% of plastic packaging globally

More than 40 industry leaders have endorsed a new action plan to tackle global plastics issues, and have begun working together to create a more effective global system for plastics. The action plan is presented in The New Plastics Economy: Catalysing action, a new study by the World Economic Forum and the Ellen MacArthur Foundation […] ... lees meer