FSLCI launches Circular Economy Workshop Report

The Forum for Sustainability through Life Cycle Innovaton (FSCLI) published a report which summarizes the discussions and conclusions from the workshop “Circular Economy, Resource Efficiency, Life Cycle Innovation: Same objectives, same impacts?”, which was organized at the beginning of this year in Berlin, Germany. The industry-focused workshop brought together representatives from various companies such as BASF, Evonik, […] ... lees meer

First Estimate to Quantify Global Plastic Input from Rivers into Oceans

Researchers at The Ocean Cleanup, the Dutch foundation developing advanced technologies to rid the oceans of plastic, today published the first-ever estimate of plastic emissions from rivers into the world’s oceans. Writing in Nature Communications, they calculate that rivers annually transport between 1.15 and 2.41 million metric tons of plastic waste into our oceans. Two-thirds […] ... lees meer

CEO Guide to the Circular Economy

At the World Circular Economy Forum on 5 June, the World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD) released its CEO Guide to the Circular Economy. The Guide – developed in cooperation with Accenture and signed by 14 CEOs from companies including DSM, Philips, Unilever, Danone and Tata – aims to give CEOs and business leaders […] ... lees meer

Circular Economy Potential: Ecofys and WBCSD Present Global Emissions Flows For 8 Key Materials

Food and shelter supply chains have the greatest opportunities for carbon, water and land footprint reductions. Ecofys, a Navigant company, and the World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD) have identified the circular economy potential for eight key materials. In a report that was launched at the World Circular Economy Forum in Helsinki, the experts present […] ... lees meer

British Standards Institute Officially Launches BS8001 Circular Economy Standard

BSI, the business standards company, has launched a new standard for the ‘circular economy’, BS 8001: 2017: Framework for implementing the principles of the circular economy in organizations – guide. The ‘circular economy’ is a concept which challenges organizations to re-think how their resources are managed to create financial, environmental and social benefits. BS 8001 […] ... lees meer

‘GoodShipping Program’ hands cargo owners control of their carbon footprint

A new ground-breaking initiative will hand cargo owners the opportunity to control and greatly reduce the carbon footprint of their ocean freight. The ‘GoodShipping Program’ enables ocean cargo owners with a quick, transparent and convenient way to reduce their carbon footprint – from the industry itself, and not from alternative mitigation schemes – by driving […] ... lees meer

Monitoring progress of the circular economy in the EU

The European Commission’s draft monitoring framework for a circular economy, that is currently out for consultation, may benefit from broadening it to include indicators that measure both the progress of the transition process and the effects in the whole product chain (footprints). This proposal is made in a joint discussion paper by the European Environmental […] ... lees meer

CSR Europe study reveals economic potential of the Sustainable Development Goals for Europe

Yesterday more than three hundred representatives from business, government, and non-governmental organisations gathered in Brussels at the European Business Summit to discuss the Sustainable Development Goals and their value for Europe. CSR Europe’s conference at EBS focussed on the role that businesses can play in bringing about positive societal impact while at the same time generating […] ... lees meer

Natural Capital Impact Group introduces new biodiversity metric to help companies and investors improve impact on natural environment

On World Biodiversity Day, a global network of companies, including Kering, Interserve, Mars and Asda, working together to determine how business can sustain the natural world and its resources, has released the initial stage of their work in developing a metric to help corporates improve their impact on the natural environment. The metric is the […] ... lees meer