Win-Win-Win: The Sustainable Supply Chain Finance Opportunity

BSR published a new report, “Win-Win-Win: The Sustainable Supply Chain Finance Opportunity,” showing how supply chain and trade finance mechanisms can be leveraged to create tangible cash incentives for suppliers, drive sustainable behaviors and transform global supply chains. This is a significant opportunity for buyers, suppliers and financial service providers. Leveraging supply chain finance mechanisms to incentivize […] ... lees meer

ACTIAM and Robeco joined As You Sow Investor Alliance to Engage Companies on Plastic Pollution

As You Sow is pleased to announce the launch of the Plastic Solutions Investor Alliance, an international coalition of investors that will engage publicly traded consumer goods companies on the threat posed by plastic waste and pollution. Twenty-five institutional investors from four countries with a combined $1 trillion of assets under management have signed a declaration citing […] ... lees meer

Failure to manage natural resources brings increasing interruption and liability risks for businesses

Natural resources such as clean air and fresh water are vital for businesses – and at the same time massively at risk across many industry sectors today. Failure to manage the earth’s natural resources or “natural capital” has consequences that extend beyond direct effects on the environment. For businesses, it can also bring new interruption […] ... lees meer

UN Global Compact launches new action platform for Sustainable Ocean Business and development

Friday, on World Oceans Day,  the United Nations Global Compact launched the newly formed Sustainable Ocean Business Action Platform — a three-year global programme bringing together business, civil society, the UN and Governments to advance the ocean economy and sustainable development. The ocean, the world’s greatest common resource, holds a great potential to deliver on […] ... lees meer

Ground-breaking analysis finds that the circular economy could make it possible to keep global warming below 2°C

Switching to the circular use of the four largest materials in terms of emissions is indispensable to cutting global greenhouse gas emissions and achieving the Paris Agreement. A more circular economy could cut EU industrial emissions by more than half by 2050. These are ones of the key findings of a trailblazing report ‘Re-configure: The […] ... lees meer

New report offers global outlook on efforts to beat plastic pollution

Released on World Environment Day (5 June), a new report from UN Environment finds a surging momentum in global efforts to address plastic pollution. The first-of-its-kind accounting finds governments are increasing the pace of implementation and the scope of action to curb the use of single-use plastics. In what is framed as the first comprehensive […] ... lees meer

Philips receives the Sustainable Purchasing Leadership Council’s 2018 Supplier Engagement Award

Royal Philips announced recently that it has been honored for its Supplier Sustainability Performance (SSP) program with the prestigious 2018 Supplier Engagement Award by the Sustainable Purchasing Leadership Council (SPLC).  Founded in 2013, the SPLC convenes buyers, suppliers, and public interest advocates to develop programs that simplify and standardize sustainable purchasing efforts by large organizations. Every year, the […] ... lees meer

Ben & Jerry’s Piloting Platform Connecting Consumers to Their Carbon Footprint

The world’s first retail platform that connects consumers to their own carbon footprint has been launched in London by non-profit ogranisation The Poseidon Foundation (“Poseidon”). Poseidon’s platform uses blockchain technology to integrate carbon markets into transactions at the point-of-sale, giving retailers and their customers the opportunity to support forestry conservation projects around the world when they buy […] ... lees meer

Circle Lab, biggest global open access innovation platform for the circular economy, launches 1,000 new case studies

After a successful launch in March 2018, Circle Lab introduces a new product feature today: the world’s biggest circular economy database, openly accessible and searchable for everyone. This is the result of a joint effort with many partners, geared towards making the best knowledge on the circular economy available to the public globally. The goal? To encourage […] ... lees meer

E.ON, H&M Group, Scania and Siemens Form a Coalition to Accelerate Decarbonisation of Heavy Transport

Reaching the Paris climate target requires fully decarbonising heavy commercial transport. Getting there no later than 2050 is not only possible but also financially attractive from a societal perspective. To speed up the pace of change, four companies have formed a coalition and invite others to join. The starting point for the coalition is The Pathways Study: Achieving […] ... lees meer

Concerns raised over healthiness off major food & beverage companies’ products

Many leading food and drink manufacturers have stepped up efforts to encourage better diets, largely by  adopting better policies and publishing more information, according to the 2018 Global Access to Nutrition  Index, which measures the efforts being made by the world’s largest food and beverage manufacturers to  reduce ill health due to poor diets. Some […] ... lees meer