Non-Polluters Average $10.4 Billion Higher Market Value

Contrary to the belief that multinationals suffer from environmental regulation, large companies that adopt strict global environmental standards in developing countries are rewarded with higher stock market performance, according to a study published in a journal of the Institute for Operations Research and the Management Sciences (INFORMSÃ??). ... lees meer

A new survey by Innovest finds Royal Dutch/Shell in the lead for addressing environmental challenges.

Report Rates Environmental Record of Leading Oil Companies. With rising concerns over global warming, air pollution, and oil spills, few investors would classify any petroleum company as “green.” But a recent report from Innovest Strategic Value Advisors, a New York-based, specialized investment advisory firm, will help concerned investors discriminate between environmental leaders and laggards within the petroleum industry. ... lees meer

New Swedish company for services for standardizing sustainability reporting and stakeholder relations

The Sustainability Communication Platform (SCP) is an Internet based service to be launched in June 2000, designed to facilitate cost effective reporting and meaningful stakeholder dialogue on sustainability issues. It provides a format for reporting on policies, practices and performance data regarding sustainability, elaborating on existing guidelines such as the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI), which is flexible enough to be used by companies and organizations in different sectors and of all sizes. The SCP also provides forums for stakeholder dialogue, where all sides to the story will be heard. ... lees meer

10 demands for a higher standard of disclosure in the global economy of the 21st century

Corporate decisions have an ever greater effect upon society and the environment on a global level. As providers of information, we are aware that investors, consumers, employees and other stakeholders increasingly demand an assessment of the performance of companies in these areas to better inform their economic decisions and to exert positive influence upon corporate behaviour. There are differing experiences regaring disclosure on different issues, which also vary by country. But in general the availability of useful quality information is far below what is needed. No single strategy provides a universal solution to this problem. For society and company stakeholders to get the best out of the reporting of companies in the 21st Century a mix of regulatory, voluntary and market approaches is required. The Global Partners for Corporate Responsibility Research present the 10 following demands to governments, companies and all other participants in the global economy. ... lees meer

New report of World Bank: Greening Industry: New Roles for Communities, Markets and Governments

A growing number of developing countries are significantly cutting industrial pollution by using the combined power of local communities, stock markets, and the news media to police air and water discharges from private companies. This new community-based approach is proving more effective in curbing pollution than relying on traditional approaches to environmental regulation, which can often be under-funded, inefficient, and stymied by cronyism and corruption, according to a new World Bank report released today. The report – Greening Industry: New Roles for Communities, Markets and Governments – says this new approach is good news for some of the world’s poorest people, and shows how local industrial pollution can be held within acceptable bounds, without hindering growth. ... lees meer

KLM trials green aircraft fuel additive

Shell Aviation has unveiled a new jet fuel additive which it claims could improve fuel efficiency by several percentage points. Currently being tested by Dutch airline KLM, the pioneering additive aims to provide both environmental and commercial benefits to commercial aviation, Shell says. ... lees meer

Research of Innovest in the utility sector shows again postive relation environmental and financial performances

A recent study by Innovest Strategic Value Advisors, a New York-based financial advisory firm, found that utilities with above average environmental performance outperformed those with below-average performance by over 600 basis points during the previous year. The study confirms nearly 100 other studies which found a positive correlation between environmental and stock market performance, largely because environmental performance is an excellent proxy for management quality, a key determinate of stock returns. ... lees meer