Companies rise to city’s challenge on CSR

A conference organised by Business in the Environment (BiE), the business-led campaign for corporate environmental responsibility, on 2 October gave clear guidance to companies on how to -bridge the gap’ between investment in environmental and social responsibility, and the value attributed to this by shareholders. The conference followed research published in May which showed that although companies’ investor relations managers believed they were communicating effectively on these issues, investors did not agree. ... lees meer

OECD Report: “Corporate Responsibility: Private Initiatives and Public Goals”

Private initiatives for corporate responsibility have been a major development in international management over the last twenty years. The initiatives include issuance of codes of business conduct, implementation of management systems and broader efforts to improve business accountability. Yet, there is little agreement about what these initiatives mean or how effective they are. The OECD project on corporate responsibility seeks to shed light on various aspects of the corporate responsibility movement: What are firms and business associations doing? How have governments influenced the initiatives? What contributions, if any, have these initiatives made to improving the business sector’s ability to comply with law and regulation and to respond to broader societal expectations? ... lees meer

UK study: “-Green companies sell themselves short in the city”

Listed companies that are leading the way with their environmental and social policies are selling themselves and their shareholders short by failing to make the case to the City, according to research published by Business in the Environment (BiE). When asked to name spontaneously the most important factors to take into account when judging companies, 13% of companies’ own investor relations managers (IRMs) deemed environmental and social issues important – but only 3% of analysts, 4% of institutional investors and 3% of financial journalists. ... lees meer

Ray C. Anderson, CEO of Interface Inc., first winner of the Sustainability Leadership Award

SAM Sustainable Asset Management / Sustainable Performance Group (SPG) for the first time presented the Sustainability Leadership Award. This annual award acknowledges an individual who, through his willingness to question orthodox thinking and determination to make alternative solutions work, has managed to make tangible progress in corporate sustainability. The winner was picked by an independent jury and received a prize sum of CHF 50,000. The first winner is Ray C. Anderson, CEO of Interface Inc. ... lees meer

New report from Sustainability: Driving Sustainability, Can the Auto Sector deliver sustainable mobility?

-The sustainable mobility agenda which will take decades to resolve, will bring many major automotive companies to their knees.’ – this is a key conclusion in the latest sector report from the sustainable development think-tank and strategy consultancy, SustainAbility. Driving Sustainability treats sustainable mobility as a -Gordian knot’ problem – one of increasing complexity (1). The report outlines the four pivotal issues of sustainable mobility: climate change, life cycle management, liveable cities, and emerging economies. It also benchmarks the reported performance on these issues of ten automotive manufacturing companies (2). The headline news is that DaimlerChrysler narrowly beats BMW Group and Volkswagen in this issues benchmark, with 50% of the total maximum score. The overall average score is 34%, a poor overall showing for the automotive sector, showing the lack of commitment to, and in many cases understanding of, the key sustainable mobility issues. ... lees meer

World SRI estimated at $US1.42 trillion

The value of world’s ethical investment portfolio has been estimated at US$1.42 trillion in the September issue of The Cerulli Edge-Global Edition published by Cerulli Associates, a well-regarded Boston and London based research consultancy. The report’s figures highlight the dominance of the United States when it comes to ethical investment. Funds under SRI management in each region of the world, according to Cerulli, are: United Sates (US$1,350 billion), Canada (US$33 billion), Australia (US$0.5 billion), Japan (US$1 billion), Asia ex-Japan (US$1 billion) and Europe (US$38 billion). ... lees meer

Greening the European Commission: Decision on the implementation of the eco-management and audit scheme, EMAS

The European Commission decided today to take further steps to green the institution by adopting a Decision to implement the Community’s Eco-Management and Audit Scheme, EMAS. The scheme will give the Commission an accurate picture of its environmental impact, improve its environmental performance and provide both organisational and financial benefits. Environment Commissioner Margot Wallström said: “The European Commission will lead by example. With the introduction of EMAS we want to set an example for other public authorities and economic operators to follow, and our final objective is achieving EMAS registration for the European Commission”. Vice-President Neil Kinnock said: “The Commission signalled its awareness of the need for practical action when it launched its Green Housekeeping(1) scheme in 1997. Applying EMAS will further reinforce our commitment to ensuring an environmental-friendly administration.” ... lees meer