Global Reporting Initiative to be officially inaugurated at United Nations headquarters

The Global Reporting Initiative (GRI), an international sustainability reporting institution, will be formally inaugurated at a luncheon event to be held at the United Nations headquarters in New York City on 4 April 2002 at 13:00. Incubating under the auspices of the Coalition for Environmentally Responsible Economies (CERES), in collaboration with the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) since 1997, the invitation-only event will mark the inauguration of GRI as a permanent, independent global institution. ... lees meer

WWF Report: Building a business case for sustainability

WWF and global communications company, Cable & Wireless plc, have published an innovative and comprehensive toolkit, entitled To Whose Profit?, which provides the first clear ‘route map’ for managers seeking ways to develop a business case for bringing environmental, social and ethical issues to the forefront of their company’s operations. ... lees meer

European CSR Academy brings together leading business schools

A new European Academy on Corporate Social Responsibility is to be launched during July this year, which sees the coming together of some of the continent’s leading business schools. The participants are ESADE (Spain), INSEAD (France), Cranfield Business School, Ashridge Business School (U.K.), Copenhagen Business School (Denmark), The College of Europe and Vlerick Gent Management School (Belgium). ... lees meer

CSR topics in Global CEO Survey

CEOs the world over are taking decisive actions to address the challenges of the global economy, become more transparent in the information shared with investors, and capitalise on the promise of the Internet — all the while maintaining focus on their companies’ corporate social responsibility. These are a few of the key findings from PricewaterhouseCoopers’ fifth annual Global CEO Survey, conducted in conjunction with the World Economic Forum. Results of the survey, which enjoyed record participation this year with 1,161 CEOs from 33 countries, were announced by Global CEO Sam DiPiazza at the annual meeting of the World Economic Forum in New York. ... lees meer

Sir Peter Davis launched social responsibility reporting UK website

Sir Peter Davis, the chairman of Business in the Community, launched of a new source of company information for City analysts, investors, consumers and other stakeholders. The Impact on Society Reporting Website is a new online research tool for those interested in how businesses impact the communities in which they operate. For the first time, people are able to see a consistent framework for measuring, reporting and communicating business impacts. ... lees meer

New Report from Sustainability: ‘Good News and Bad’

SustainAbility is pleased to announce the launch of its latest report, Good News & Bad: The Media, Corporate Social Responsibility and Sustainable Development. The media is one of the most powerful, yet least trusted and least accountable institutions in the world. And it has a crucial role to play in the transition to sustainability. So SustainAbility decided to take a closer look. “No other industry,” the authors suggest, “will so powerfully influence how people and politicians think about (and act on) corporate social responsibility (CSR) and sustainable development (SD).” ... lees meer

Report Looks at Best Practices in International Corporate Community Involvement

Many leading firms want to be a force for good, both at home and overseas. The anti-globalization movement, as well as the events of September 11, have given added cause for businesses to look closely at the impression they make in foreign markets. But few of them know how to adapt their social programs to different cultures and expectations. A new study shows that companies that develop a well-engineered international community involvement strategy, and are open and transparent in communicating what they do, not only make a positive social impact, but can head off potential misunderstandings of their motives. The study, Benchmarks for International Corporate Community Involvement, was recently released by The Center for Corporate Citizenship at Boston College and the British firm, ProbusBNW Limited. ... lees meer