Oekom Measures Food Industry’s Appetite for Corporate Social Responsibility

German research firm publishes a study on the social and environmental performance of international food corporations. Consumer confidence in the food industry has been shaken by the controversy over genetically modified organisms (GMOs), as well as by scares such as e-coli poisoning and mad cow disease (bovine spongiform encephalopathy). Oekom Research AG, a corporate social research firm based in Munich, Germany, recently analyzed the social and environmental performance of some of the major multinational producers. While the wide range of scores on various criteria were not surprising, the lower-than-average overall score suggests the industry can do better. ... lees meer

New UN report finds positive link between corporate sustainable development programmes and financial success

There is a real, positive pay-off from corporate triple bottom line programmes, according to SustainAbility’s new report for the United Nations. The report, Buried Treasure: Uncovering the business case for corporate sustainability, is based on international research and finds that a strategic focus on sustainable development is both significantly and positively aligned with mainstream business success. ... lees meer

Groups Press Corporations to Disclose Enviro Risks

An environmental think tank and a socially responsible investment firm have joined forces to press corporations on reporting environmental risks. And they’ve called on the Securities and Exchange Commission for muscle. The World Resources Institute and Calvert called on corporate managers recently to fully comply with government requirements on reporting their environmental risks, and asked the SEC to strengthen its enforcement of rules intended to protect investors. ... lees meer

Corporate Environmental Research Now Available to Individual Investors

Innovest Strategic Value Advisors, Inc. and Socialfunds.com have announced a joint marketing agreement to provide individual investors with access to corporate environmental performance research previously available only to the institutional marketplace. The research reports, now offered on www.socialfunds.com, utilize Innovest’s unique methodology of correlating corporate environmental performance with stock market performance. ... lees meer

Consument vindt voedsel onveilig

Het Centraal Bureau Levensmiddelenhandel (CBL) heeft medio december een enquête gehouden over hoe de consument denkt over de veiligheid van zijn voedsel. De meerderheid, 46 procent, was het oneens met de stelling -ons voedsel is nog nooit zo veilig geweest als nu’, 32% was het daar mee eens, terwijl 23% geen mening had. Met name jonge huishoudens zonder kinderen (53%) en oudere huishoudens zonder kinderen (55%) vinden de veiligheid van hun voedsel onvoldoende. Het CBL concludeert hieruit dat de fabrikanten meer en beter moeten communiceren over hoe zij voedingsmiddelen produceren. Als zij extra maatregelen moeten nemen om de veiligheid van de producten te garanderen, dienen zij deze zonodig in de kostprijs te verrekenen. Het instellen van een algemene heffing, zoals LTO Nederland onlangs voorstelde in het kader van BSE-maatregelen, bestempelde de CBL-voorzitter als -klinkklare onzin’. De consument wil ook voor die zekerheid betalen, zo bleek uit de enquête. Maar liefst 86% zegt daarvoor een gulden per kg vlees extra te willen betalen. 90 procent bleek zelfs bereid om een dubbeltje of kwartje meer te betalen voor groente, fruit en aardappelen die met een minimum aan bestrijdingsmiddelen zijn geproduceerd. ... lees meer

Guidance for measuring and improving business performance and stakeholder relations SMEs

The United Nations Environment ProgrammeÃ??s Division of Technology, Industry and Environment and the Eco-Efficiency and Sustainable Enterprise Group at the Wuppertal Institute in Germany have jointly developed the Efficient Entrepreneur Calendar for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). In combination with an additional booklet, the Calendar provides assistance and guidance on how to measure and improve business performance and stakeholder relations in seven areas. On the basis of “You canÃ??t manage what you canÃ??t measure”, it introduces performance measures that are easy to assess and evaluate. The Calendar charts a “month-by-month” programme that ends with a simple Efficient Entrepreneur report which can be put in a global internet database. ... lees meer