ICC comments on EU Commission communication about CSR

On behalf of the ICC member companies in all parts of the world, ICC comments with some serious concerns regarding recent developments in the ongoing debate within European Union institutions on the subject of corporate social responsibility (CSR). ICC members feel it is important for you and your colleagues in the Commission to be aware of these concerns in advance of the Commission’s forthcoming follow-up Commission Communication on the Green Paper on CSR. ... lees meer

Final ISO CSR Feasibility Report Available

The final version of “The Desirability and Feasibility of ISO Corporate Social Responsibility Standards” is now available. The report was prepared by the “Consumer Protection in the Global Market” Working Group of COPOLCO, the Consumer Policy Committee of ISO (the International Organization for Standardization), and was considered by COPOLCO at its June, 2002 annual meeting in Trinidad. The report forms the basis for an ISO COPOLCO resolution to ISO Council on ISO CSR standards. ... lees meer

NGOs’ Failure to Work Together Means a Return to Direct Action at Sustainability

Pressure groups’ inability to work together and agree a common set of goals means they risk missing their best opportunity in 10 years to affect world thinking – August’s World Summit on Sustainable Development (WSSD). That is the conclusion of a report released today by Infonic, the Internet research and communications consultancy. The report, the second in a series of five analysing the implications of the WSSD, also predicts that if decisive action is not agreed at the Summit, there will be a backlash against business’s role in the sustainability debate. ... lees meer

Consumers call for the development of International Standards for Corporate social responsibility.

Below please find the resolution of the Consumer Policy Committee (COPOLCO) of ISO concerning ISO CSR standards, which was made at the June, 2002 meeting of COPOLCO. The report, The Desirability and Feasibility of ISO CSR standards” (to obtain a copy, see previous Forum posting) formed the basis for this resolution. ISO Council will meet in September to consider the resolutions of COPOLCO and other ISO committees on a wide range of topics. ... lees meer

Launch of the European Academy of Business in Society

Business leaders and academics are teaming up in a groundbreaking attempt to prove to the European business community that Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) makes good business sense. Their joint research project, the European Academy of Business in Society , represents a unique and pioneering alliance between Europe’s leading business schools and more than a dozen major multinational companies (including Shell, Johnson & Johnson, Levi’s, Danone and Caisse des Dépôts et Consignations). The Academy’s mission is to be a world-class reference point to drive CSR into the mainstream of business practice, theory and education, and to enhance models for sustainable business success. ... lees meer

Business develops reporting standard for greenhouse gas emissions

International companies will be able to report on their reductions of greenhouse gas emissions thanks to a new uniform accounting and reporting standard. This standard, the Greenhouse Gas Protocol (GHG Protocol), was developed over a three-year period and presented by the World Resources Institute (WRI) and the World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD). It will be launched in Brussels on 26 October. ... lees meer

June 2002 update Global Reporting Initiative

June 2002 update of the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) with the following subjects: * GRI Develops Network in South Africa * Jo’burg Stock Exchange and GRI Reporting * Planning Meetings for November Briefing * HIV/AIDS Project Update * Still Time to Register for Asian Regional Conference * Comment Period on Draft Protocols Extended to 1 July * Progress on Guidelines Revisions * More Organisations Release Sustainability Reports ... lees meer

AccountAbility published assurance guideline for social, ethical and environmental reports

Social, environmental and sustainability reporting has grown dramatically in recent years. The change has been led by large corporations, particularly those with high public profiles and brands. The practice is also rapidly extending to other parts of the international business community, and to the public and private non-profit organisations. Whilst this is welcome, there are emerging concerns about the quality of disclosure. There are increasing calls from influential stakeholders for more systematic disclosure of social and sustainability performance and greater assurance about the reliability of the information. AccountAbility’s AA1000S Assurance Standard will fill the ‘assurance gap’ by providing a robust, credible framework for the independent quality assurance of social and sustainability reporting. ... lees meer

Companies that are socially irresponsible are being punished

Consumers and shareholders are increasingly inclined to “punish” companies that are socially irresponsible, a new survey showed. According to the third Annual CSR Monitor by Environics International, the proportion of consumers who report punishing companies because of poor social performance has increased from last year’s survey, from 20 percent to 29 percent. In addition, a majority of shareholders say that they would sell their shares in a company if it behaved in a socially irresponsible manner, even if the share earnings were significant. ... lees meer