Case studies on good practice in corporate responsibility published online.

A new website carrying the latest news and information about the commercial rationale for corporate responsibility from the UK and around the world went live this week. The website is led by AccountAbility, a leading international corporate responsibility and sustainable development organisation, and the Center for Corporate Citizenship at Boston College in the USA, in partnership with ten other likeminded organisations around the world. ... lees meer

The missing link: SMEs and sustainable development

Big business may be catching the sustainable development bug, but small and medium size enterprises (SMEs) are resistant to the business case. What can be done to make sustainability more inclusive? A new WBCSD discussion paper explores the issues. There’s no denying that interest and involvement of business in sustainable development have increased tremendously over the past 10 years. But while the concept has embedded itself in the psyche of brand conscious multinationals, the culture and management systems of SMEs have hardly changed at all – especially those at the smaller end of the spectrum. ... lees meer

HIV/AIDS Reporting Framework Released

Key performance indicators for HIV/AIDS reporting by all organisations were released today by the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) at an event hosted by the South African Human Rights Commission. -Standardised HIV/AIDS public reporting is an essential element of the global response to the pandemic” stated Paul Hohnen, GRI Strategic Director, in Johannesburg for the launch of the reporting framework. To address this need, the GRI, sponsored by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, initiated a multi-stakeholder process based in South Africa to build a comprehensive and credible framework for HIV/AIDS reporting. ... lees meer

Exxon zet grote achtervolging in voor duurzaamheid

(Gepubliceerd in Het Financieele Dagblad op 11 november 2003 (opiniepagina)). Shell wordt door velen in Nederland gezien als een duurzame oliemaatschappij, terwijl het Amerikaanse olieconcern ExxonMobil de reputatie heeft een van de minst duurzame bedrijven te zijn. Deze perceptie is volgens mij mede het gevolg van de verschillende manieren waarop deze bedrijven communiceren over duurzaamheid. ... lees meer

Shell’s improving social-responsibility record makes the oil giant attractive to investors

(Published in Fortune on 10 november 2003). Over the past couple of years a surprising trait has emerged among the oil giants: Some of their most outstanding employees are actually environmentalists. Or at least you’d think so from their advertising. From BP’s claim to be moving “beyond petroleum” to Exxon Mobil’s “promise of technology,” the companies that fill our gas tanks are trying their darnedest to build an eco-friendly image. But will the pitch pay off with investors? ... lees meer