Annual Report on the Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises: 2003 Edition

This Annual Report on the Guidelines, the third in a series, describes what governments have done to live up to this commitment over the period June 2002-June 2003. It also provides an overview of how the business sector’s contribution to the fight against corruption might be enhanced, focusing, in particular, on governments’ roles in this effort and on how the Guidelines can be used in synergy with other anti-corruption instruments. ... lees meer

A new approach to assurance, which includes stakeholders

A different approach to social, environmental and sustainability assurance is now available, based on stakeholder-inclusion and materiality of issues. Developed by justassurance, a newly formed social enterprise of experienced assurance practitioners and thought leaders, this new approach consults with and includes stakeholders in the assurance process. ... lees meer

Responsible Competitiveness Index 2002 announced

How a nation deals with social and environmental issues has a direct impact on its national economic competitiveness and growth prospects. Nations that fail to address Corporate Responsibility issues expose businesses to potential costs such as those associated with corruption and poor health and safety performance. This is the main finding of a new Responsible Competitiveness Index comparing over 50 countries, published this week in a report by AccountAbility the leading international institute and The Copenhagen Centre. ... lees meer

Succesvolle CSR conferentie in België

Op 18 november 2003 organiseerde Business and Society in Brussel de eerste nationale conferentie over maatschappelijk verantwoord ondernemen in het kader van de “Corporate Social Responsability Campaign”. Deze Europese promotiecampagne rond MVO is een initiatief van CSR Europe. Het doel van deze campagne, die in 2001 van start ging, is meer dan een half miljoen mensen te mobiliseren rond deze thema tegen 2005. ... lees meer

97% of Business Leaders Believe Damaged Corporate Reputations Can Be Restored

An overwhelming majority of business influencers remain confident that companies can restore a damaged reputation, according to new research by global communications consultancy Burson-Marsteller. The 2003 Building CEO Capital study reveals that 97 percent of business influencers believe a company can recover from a tarnished reputation over time. The study shows a surprising level of optimism in corporate America’s ability to regain the public trust, as numerous companies work to rebuild their reputations. ... lees meer

HIV/AIDS Reporting Framework Released

Key performance indicators for HIV/AIDS reporting by all organisations were released today by the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) at an event hosted by the South African Human Rights Commission. -Standardised HIV/AIDS public reporting is an essential element of the global response to the pandemic” stated Paul Hohnen, GRI Strategic Director, in Johannesburg for the launch of the reporting framework. To address this need, the GRI, sponsored by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, initiated a multi-stakeholder process based in South Africa to build a comprehensive and credible framework for HIV/AIDS reporting. ... lees meer

The missing link: SMEs and sustainable development

Big business may be catching the sustainable development bug, but small and medium size enterprises (SMEs) are resistant to the business case. What can be done to make sustainability more inclusive? A new WBCSD discussion paper explores the issues. There’s no denying that interest and involvement of business in sustainable development have increased tremendously over the past 10 years. But while the concept has embedded itself in the psyche of brand conscious multinationals, the culture and management systems of SMEs have hardly changed at all – especially those at the smaller end of the spectrum. ... lees meer