Duty Takes On New Meaning for Businesses

Metals and oil magnate Viktor Vekselberg surprised the country in February when he dropped over $90 million to return the Faberge egg collection to Russia. Just last month Roman Abramovich’s Sibneft assumed a $54 million sponsorship deal with Moscow soccer team CSKA. Oligarchs are scrambling to outdo themselves in conspicuous displays of giving, but are such investments into the arts and sports a corporate duty or a purely voluntary decision? ... lees meer

Social Investors Urge World Bank to Adopt Extractive Industries Review Proposals

The World Bank Group (WBG), whose mission is to alleviate poverty in the developing world, exerts influence not only through its own investments and actions, but also as an exemplar. A coalition of US- and Canada-based socially responsible investment (SRI) advocates is urging WBG President James Wolfensohn to set just such an example by implementing recommendations of the Extractive Industries Review (EIR). ... lees meer

Companies that Count: results of the UK Corporate Responsibility Index published

The results of the second Corporate Responsibility Index were published today (Sunday, March 14th 2004) in The Sunday Times ‘Companies that Count’ supplement. Participation in the Index is up by 14% on the previous year, with 139 companies now using it as a tool to manage, measure and report their corporate responsibility. The results reveal an increase in the average score up from 68% to 80%. ... lees meer

ANEC Position Paper Standardisation and Corporate Social Responsibility

This position paper outlines the requirements and recommendations as identified by ANEC with respect to the desirability and feasibility of standards on Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR). Both at national and international level, initiatives exist related to CSR and standardisation. In some countries, the national standards body embarked on elaborating a national CSR standard, whilst the Consumer Policy Committee of ISO (ISO COPOLCO) recommended to ISO Council to explore the feasibility and desirability of a Management System Standard (MSS) in line with ISO 9000/ISO 14001 on CSR. In addition, at European level, a Multi-stakeholder Forum was set up to improve knowledge about the relationship between CSR and sustainable development. ... lees meer

UK aims to lead the way in CSR

The publication of a global framework setting out the Government’s approach to Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) at the international level, was announced by CSR Minister Stephen Timms today. The draft strategic framework focuses on encouraging action and progress to maximise the business contribution to social, environmental and economic development. ... lees meer