A Director’s Guide to Trends in Corporate Environmental, Social and Economic Liability published

Too many companies put long term shareholder value at risk by failing to anticipate and manage new forms of liability. It will be increasingly untenable for business to abide by the letter of the law, and neglect its spirit. This is the view behind a new report launched today by SustainAbility with sponsorship from Swiss Re, Insight Investment and Foley Hoag LLP. ... lees meer

European approach for ethical procurement now implemented

The Business Social Compliance Initiative (www.bsci-eu-.org) – cornerstone in the field of Corporate Social Responsibility – has officially been launched. More than 30 European retailers, brands and manufacturers start to audit and monitor the social performance of their suppliers worldwide with a common system giving benefits for both retailers and suppliers. ... lees meer

New UNEP/Sustainability report: Risk & Opportunity: Best Practice in Non-Financial Reporting

Boards are failing to disclose to financial investors how environmental and social issues pose strategic risks and opportunities for their businesses, according to an international review of corporate sustainability reports by SustainAbility, the United Nations Environment Programme and Standard & Poor’s. Risk & Opportunity: Best Practice in Non-Financial Reporting finds that only three reports of the Top 50 assess the balance sheet implications of key environmental and social risks, despite this information being increasingly important to analysts, investors, lenders, insurers and re-insurers. ... lees meer

European Conference on CSR, Competing for a sustainable future, 7-9 november, MECC, Maastricht

During its EU presidency, the Dutch Government will organise the European Conference on Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR), entitled -Competing for a Sustainable Future” in Maastricht, the Netherlands, 7-9 November 2004. The conference is hosted by Minister for Foreign Trade Karien van Gennip (Ministry of Economic Affairs) and co-organised by the ministry of Foreign Affairs, the ministry of Social Affairs and Employment, the ministry of Agriculture, Nature and Food Quality and the ministry of Housing, Spatial Planning and the Environment. ... lees meer

GRI seeks participants for new Guidelines innovation process

Recruitment is now open for two new work streams being launched which will feature working groups looking at the clarity and purpose of the indicators (IWG), and at reporting as a process (RPWG). Starting immediately, sign-up forms are available on the website through which you can express your interest in participating in the IWG or its related advisory groups, and in the RPWG. Over the course of the next year, these work streams will review and build on the existing principles and indicators that make up the GRI Guidelines, and look at how the Guidelines should be interpreted and applied. ... lees meer

GRI Boundary Protocol for public comment

After 10 months of research, working group meetings, and input via out practitioners’ network, the GRI has launched the draft Boundary Protocol for public comment. This protocol provides guidance on how to understand, set, and disclose reporting boundaries when reporting based on the GRI 2002 Guidelines. ... lees meer