Speech Van Ardenne op minsterconferentie OESO/DAC

Introduction on poverty reduction, environment and the Millennium Development Goals (OECD DAC EPOC) Introduction by Agnes van Ardenne-van der Hoeven, Dutch Minister for Development Cooperation. OECD Development Assistance Committee and the Environment Policy Committee Session 1 Poverty reduction, environment and the Millennium Development Goals 4 April 2006,Paris. ... lees meer

US Banks Sink to the Bottom of the Barrel on Latest Sustainability Ratings from Oekom

by Bill Baue, Institutional Shareowner.com Most US banks fail to disclose enough information on their social and environmental performance to qualify for analysis, and only four of 21 analyzed earned above D-level grades. The top-performers and the bottom of the barrel share the spotlight in the latest report from oekom research on the sustainability performance of global banks. Oekom is a Munich-based socially responsible investment (SRI) rating firm. Coming in first with a B grade is Australia-based Westpac (ticker: WBC.AX), followed by five banks earning a B-: UK-based Northern Rock (NRK.L) and Lloyds TSB Group (LLOY.L), Switzerland-based UBS (UBS),Germany-based HVB Group (HVMGY.PK), and National Australia Bank (NAB). ... lees meer

Brussels to side with business on CSR

The European Commission plans to side with business in largely excluding trade unions and non-governmental groups from a new European corporate social responsibility initiative, according to Commission documents obtained by the Financial Times. Officials confirmed the European Union’s executive body would launch a pro-business †European alliance for CSR on March 22 in Brussels. Chief executives from several of the companies already involved in the initiative plan to join the launch ceremony. ... lees meer

New Survey Compares U.S., European Views on Business-NGO Partnerships

Ethical Corporation magazine has released new research comparing attitudes on business-NGO partnerships in the U.S. and Europe. According to the report, while U.S. companies are avid philanthropists, giving generously and usefully to all kinds of charitable causes, European companies have taken the lead in meaningful engagement with NGOs, say both U.S. and European observers. ... lees meer

IFC Adopts New Environmental and Social Standards

The Board of Directors of the International Finance Corporation adopted last week new environmental and social standards for the organization. The new standards build upon the environmental and social requirements that IFC currently applies to private sector projects it finances in the developing world. A new policy on disclosure, adopted at the same time, will increase transparency requirements. ... lees meer

Succesfull Sneak Peak of GRI 3 guidelines in Amsterdam

Some 30 experts (DHV was one of them) in the field of sustainability reporting and CSR spent a full day in January listening and sharing. In the opening panel George Molenkamp described the upward trend in reporting as found by his teams’ latest research, which was complimented by Johan Verburg’s observations that reporting is becoming less of a compliance exercise and more of a change driver. ... lees meer