Being Socially Responsible Has a Positive Impact on Employees and several other

Research conducted by the Kenexa Research Institute (KRI), a division of Kenexa(R) , a leading provider of talent acquisition and retention solutions, evaluated workers’ perceptions of their organizations with regard to corporate social responsibility. The report is based on the analysis of data drawn from a representative sample of workers surveyed in 2007 through WorkTrends(TM), KRI’s annual survey of worker opinions. The survey included workers from Brazil, China, Germany, India, the United Kingdom and the United States. ... lees meer

Readers to identify the best sustainability reports world wide

Thousands of companies issue sustainability reports each year – but who reads them? What do these readers think of reports? Do reports meet the needs of communities, investors, employees, customers, journalists, and non-governmental organizations? The GRI Readers’ Choice Award was designed to find answers to these questions and give all sustainability report users worldwide a voice on sustainability reporting today. After extensive preparations by the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) and their partners – all leaders in the field – the first world wide online sustainability reporting awards scheme is close to launch. Mark your calendar for 1 October 2007. ... lees meer

Resultaten 2007 review Dow Jones Sustainability Indices: Wolters Kluwer in, Océ uit

De resultaten van de jaarlijkse review van de Dow Jones Sustainability Indices zijn bekend gemaakt. Voor de Nederlandse ondernemingen zijn de wijzingen beperkt: Wolters Kluwer is toegevoegd aan de Dow Jones World Sustainability Index. Océ is helaas verwijderd uit de Dow Jones Stoxx Sustainability Index. Akzo Nobel heeft het stokje overgenomen van DSM als “supersector leader” in de Dow Jones World Sustainability Index. ... lees meer

Green Outsourcing: Companies Demanding More Environmentally Sound Suppliers

Brown-Wilson Group’s newest “Black Book of Outsourcing” reports that businesses are including more environmental factors when choosing suppliers. Companies, shareholders and other stakeholders are asking for suppliers to follow stricter environmental standards. The Brown-Wilson Group, an outsourcing industry consulting firm, finds that corporations are shifting their responsibility for environmental concerns to the supply chain in their “Black Book of Outsourcing: 2007 Green Outsourcer Report.” ... lees meer

Green Media List Launches as Tool for Green and Sustainable Companies

The rapid acceptance of Green products by mainstream consumers has created an unprecedented flood of companies competing to get their “Green” message heard by a growing number of journalists. From biofuels to organic baby food, media outlets are being tasked with explaining and exploring the significance of a variety of subjects related to this movement, all while separating legitimate Green companies and products from “Greenwashing” imposters. ... lees meer

Eurosif examines company practices in Food and Insurance sectors

Eurosif (European Social Investment Forum) publishes today two reports covering social and environmental challenges for companies in the Food Production and Insurance sectors. These are the fourth and fifth such notes in Eurosif’s series of publications aimed at raising awareness among a wide European audience on the nature and understanding of social and environmental issues, as well as related business opportunities potentially affecting long-term returns and productivity within these sectors. ... lees meer

Most Firms Practice Social Responsibility, SHRM Study Says

About 80 percent of the businesses surveyed in seven countries have executed some type of corporate social responsibility (CSR) practice, says a Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM) study. In addition, because the importance of CSR has increased over the past few years, SHRM is forming a new special expertise panel on CSR. The study-2007 Corporate Social Responsibility: A Pilot Study-surveyed HR professionals in Australia, Brazil, Canada, China, India, Mexico and the United States. About 80 percent of HR professionals in those countries said their organizations participated in practices that could be considered socially responsible and that ranged from donating to local charities to monitoring global fair labor standards, the report says. ... lees meer

Briefing ISO Working Group on CSR for NGO’s and Civil Society

This briefing aims to inform NGOs and other civil society organisations about the ISO Working Group on Social Responsibility. This Working Group is currently developing an international standard that will give guidance to organisations on social responsibility: the ISO 26000 standard. The Working Group initiated its work in 2004 and is expected to deliver the guidance standard in the second half of 2009. The authors of this briefing argue that it is still worthwhile for NGOs and other civil society organisations to start participating in the development of the standard. At this stage of the process, there are many possibilities to influence the drafting of the standard significantly. ... lees meer