Carbon Disclosure Project 2009 Reports launched at New York Climate Week

Allianz, Consolidated Edison, EMC, Reckitt Benckiser, Siemens along with BASF, Boeing and Cisco Systems were among the global corporations leading efforts to tackle climate change, according to this year’s Carbon Disclosure Project (CDP) Global 500* Report. The results were launched today in New York at an event hosted by Bank of America Merrill Lynch, one of CDP’s global sponsors. ... lees meer

IBM Global Survey Shows Information Gap In Green Sustainability Strategies

IBM’s second annual global corporate social responsibility survey of senior business executives again shows significant gaps between their goals and their ability to attain them. Nearly all of the 224 respondents said they remain committed to incorporating CSR principles into their business strategies – despite the global recession — to improve business performance, societal contribution and reputation. ... lees meer

Study shows Electric Utilities sector requires an energy revolution to reduce dependence on fossil fuels

A new report released today calls for an energy revolution in the operation of electric utilities if greenhouse gas emissions are to be significantly reduced. With just 16% of utilities setting and disclosing absolute emission reduction targets, while a higher percentage are setting intensity targets that still allow greenhouse gas emissions to grow, the industry has a long way to go to transition to a lower carbon future. ... lees meer

Green technology isn’t delivering

Environmental technologies have yet to prove their financial worth, despite providers’ marketing gloss. Only 16% of green IT offerings that companies use to manage their carbon footprint and sustainability performance have shown any significant sustainability benefits, a new study claims. ... lees meer