SAMs 2010 Sustainability Yearbook Published

SAM, the investment boutique focused exclusively on Sustainability Investing, has produced its annual Sustainability Yearbook in collaboration with PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC). The Sustainability Yearbook 2010 gives an overview of the results of SAM’s annual Corporate Sustainability Assessment. It has been carried out for eleven consecutive years. The number of assessed companies has risen from 468 companies to 1,237 companies, since the SAM Corporate Sustainability Assessment was first established 1999. ... lees meer

The three most important Sustainable Development Key Performance Indicators for 68 industries

On behalf of the German Federal Environment Ministry and with participation of leading sustainable investors/analysts, who influence sustainable assets of c. Euro 2 trillion with offices in all important industrial countries, Dr. Axel Hesse (SD-M) has defined the three most important Sustainable Development Key Performance Indicators (SD-KPIs) for the business development of 68 industries in the next five years (according to the MSCI/S&P Global Industry Classification Standard, GICS). ... lees meer

Survey Shows Disconnect Between the Strategic Value and Measurement of Sustainability Initiatives

A recent survey of corporate sustainability leaders shows that while sustainability initiatives are seen as having significant strategic value to organizations, the reporting on these initiatives is challenging. The survey found that 72 percent of respondents believed that boards of directors place a high priority on sustainability and 74 percent say their organizations link their sustainability initiatives to company strategy. However, more than half of the respondents also said they thought measurement for the initiatives was lacking. ... lees meer

A guide to CSR in Europe

CSR Europe, the European business network for corporate social responsibility (CSR), has released A Guide to CSR in Europe based on contributions by its national partner organisations across Europe. ... lees meer

European companies lead on setting greenhouse gas emissions reduction targets, but still not on track to achieve EU requirements

European companies are set to reduce their greenhouse gas emissions intensity by 2.2% per annum, with 84% of responding companies reporting emissions or energy reduction targets. There is strong evidence of considerable investment being made to cut emissions. 54 companies report planned investments totalling some €100 billion in the coming years, aimed at reducing carbon intensity. Among energy intensive sectors, Transportation and Utilities demonstrate both the largest financial commitment and the most aggressive reduction targets. The results were launched today in London at an event hosted by Bank of America Merrill Lynch, one of the Carbon Disclosure Project (CDP) global sponsors. ... lees meer

Grace Mugabe supplies milk to Nestle

Zimbabwe’s First Lady, Grace Mugabe, owns dairy farms that supply up to a million litres of milk a year to food giant Nestlé, according to London’s Sunday Telegraph. The newspaper reports that Mugabe took over six of the country’s most valuable commercial farms around 2002. ... lees meer

CSR Investments in US Up Despite Economy

The economic recession has not put an end to corporate citizenship. Based on current economic conditions, 15 percent of companies are increasing their research and development for new sustainable products; 11 percent are increasing corporate citizenship marketing and communications; and 10 percent are increasing local and/or domestic sourcing or manufacturing, according to a new study from the Hitachi Foundation and the Boston College Center for Corporate Citizenship. ... lees meer

Arthur D. Little: Climate Change Creating Competitive Opportunities Now

A new report by Arthur D. Little urges businesses across all sectors to consider the cost of carbon when planning for long-term growth, or risk losing out to sustainability-savvy competitors and new emerging market players. In “Ensuring survival: Business models in a low carbon world,” the consultancy’s Energy and Sustainability practices argue that in 2009, the carbon agenda will leave no business untouched, through multiple direct and indirect routes – from brand recognition, to the cost-base, to investors’ perceptions of value. ... lees meer

Newsweek ranks the The Greenest Big Companies in America

When David Roberts was growing up near the oilfields of West Texas in the early 1960s, it never got dark. Back then, oilfields were lit 24/7 by the gas flares used to burn off natural gas, a byproduct of oil drilling. The flares released massive amounts of CO2, and over time, oil companies halted that harmful practice in the U.S. But gas flares remain the norm in the developing world-and today Roberts oversees a team at Marathon Oil that’s trying to end the practice. In 2007, Marathon opened a $1.5 billion liquid-natural-gas plant in Equatorial Guinea to capture the natural gas that once went up in smoke. The plant is one factor that helped Marathon, No. 100 in NEWSWEEK’s Green Rankings, cut its CO2 emissions by 40 percent between 2004 and 2008-and the plant earns a profit. ... lees meer