Governments to play a stronger role in sustainability reporting to ensure a minimum level of disclosure and risk prevention

The United Nations Environmental Program (UNEP), KPMG Sustainability, the University of Stellenbosch Business School (USB) and The Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) launched today “Carrots and Sticks – Promoting Transparency and Sustainability”, a study on trends in voluntary and mandatory approaches to sustainability reporting. This research reveals that the regulatory landscape has substantially evolved in all parts of the world. ... lees meer

GRI announces its 2015 and 2020 goals and launches G3.1 public comment

The Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) today opened the doors for the Amsterdam Global Conference on Sustainability and Transparency, the world’s largest gathering of leaders, thinkers and doers in the field of sustainability reporting. At the fully booked conference, close to 200 speakers from business, finance, politics and civil society debate and share their views with the 1,200 participants on how to achieve a transition to a sustainable economy. ... lees meer

Does good corporate governance pay?

ONCE again, corporate-governance reform is back on the legislative agenda, not least in the United States. In 2002, after the scandalous collapses of Enron and WorldCom, Congress voted in the Sarbanes-Oxley act, which was intended among other things to beef up corporate risk-management. Now, the financial reforms being considered in Washington include several proposals intended to correct flaws in the oversight of firms that were revealed in the aftermath of the financial crisis. The reforms likeliest to become law include an advisory “say on pay” vote for shareholders on the remuneration of top executives, and measures to make it easier for shareholders to nominate candidates for election to company boards. ... lees meer

Ogilvy Says Corporate Responsibility PR Can’t Wait

Businesses shouldn’t wait for world leaders to decide on climate-change legislation before driving their own sustainability goals, according to a new guide from Cranfield University and Ogilvy PR Worldwide, reports Marketing Week. They need to decide this year how and where they will invest in sustainable activities, says Ogilvy. ... lees meer

Carbon Disclosure Project (CDP) issues its first water disclosure questionnaire to world’s largest companies

With the support of many of the world’s financial institutions, CDP Water Disclosure has asked more than 300 of the largest global companies to report for the first time on water use and other water-related issues, to increase the availability of high quality business information and raise awareness of water-related risk. ... lees meer

New Report Offers First Guidelines for Companies on How to Communicate about Climate Policy Engagement

On the heels of last year’s failed climate negotiations in Copenhagen, more companies worldwide are attempting to advance national and international policies around climate change. Now, a new report from BSR offers the first concrete guidelines on how business can communicate to customers, investors, and the public on these climate policy engagement efforts. ... lees meer

Urgent Need to Prepare Developing Countries for Surge in E-Wastes

Sales of electronic products in countries like China and India and across continents such as Africa and Latin America are set to rise sharply in the next 10 years. And, unless action is stepped up to properly collect and recycle materials, many developing countries face the spectre of hazardous e-waste mountains with serious consequences for the environment and public health, according to UN experts in a landmark report released today by UNEP. ... lees meer