The 2012 Sustainability Leadership Report: Corporate performance rising, but key stakeholders remain skeptical

Corporations who’ve pushed hard this last year to improve their performance in sustainability may now face a new challenge – a growing skepticism among professional investors, supply chain officials and recent higher education graduates. Such are the results of the 2012 Sustainability Leadership Report, now in its second year, which analyzes real vs. perceived sustainability performance for 100 leading global brands that collectively represent 16 percent of the world’s economic output. ... lees meer

CFOs playing bigger role in driving sustainability efforts in their organizations

Two thirds of CFOs say they are involved in driving sustainability strategies in their organizations, and more than half say their involvement has increased over the last year, according to a global survey launched by Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu Limited (DTTL) today, Sustainability: CFOs come to the table. The survey-representing 250 CFOs in 14 countries across five continents-provides global insight into how increasingly more CFOs are engaging with sustainability to support their business goals, and operationalizing sustainability to gain a competitive advantage. ... lees meer

Extreme weather events drive climate change up boardroom agenda in 2012

Following increasing incidents of extreme weather events which disrupted business operations and supply chains around the world, climate change has climbed the boardroom agenda, according to the Carbon Disclosure Project (CDP) Global 500 Climate Change report released today. With the hottest US summer on record, fires in Russia and flooding in the UK, Japan and Thailand, among other events, 81% of reporting companies now identify physical risk from climate change, with 37% perceiving these risks as a real and present danger, up from 10% in 2010. ... lees meer

Taking Conflict Out of Consumer Gadgets: Company Rankings on Conflict Minerals 2012

Leading electronics companies are making progress in eliminating conflict minerals from their supply chains, but still cannot label their products as being conflict free. Since Enough’s last corporate rankings report on conflict minerals in December 2010, a majority of leading consumer electronics companies have moved ahead in addressing conflict minerals in their supply chains-spurred by the conflict minerals provision in the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act and growing consumer activism, particularly on college campuses. Most firms have improved their scores from the 2010 rankings, but some laggards still remain. ... lees meer

What Makes a Sustainability Leader Successful?

“Sustainability,” little more than a buzzword in the corridors of corporate America a decade ago, is today a business concept that has been embraced by many companies in principle and, increasingly, in practice. Yet, while more and more companies are integrating corporate sustainability strategies and programs into their daily business operations, “sustainability,” is prone to multiple interpretations. For this reason, and in an effort to understand the skills, drivers and collaboration strategies necessary for executive success, VOX Global, Weinreb Group Sustainability Recruiting and Net Impact, Berkeley conducted a national survey of sustainability leaders. ... lees meer

Cradle to Cradle Certified (CM) Product Program Moves to Independence, Transparency

A new Certification Standards Board has been created by the Cradle to Cradle Products Innovation Institute to oversee the ongoing development of the Cradle to Cradle product certification protocol. The board’s responsibility for Cradle to Cradle product certification represents an important step toward transparency for the certification process and independent third-party verification of the protocol, developed over the past 20 years by William McDonough and Dr. Michael Braungart in collaboration with some of the world’s top brands. ... lees meer

Rio+20: WBCSD president says the future of the planet rests on business

Peter Bakker, the president of the World Business Council for Sustainable Business (WBCSD), believes that the corporate sector currently offers the best opportunity for saving the world. Following the disappointing political outcome of Rio+20, he is on a mission to encourage business to move away from visioning the future and writing glossy reports to implementing change at scale. (Peter Bakker will speak on the [url][link]13th Nationaal Sustainability Congres, 20 november in Nieuwegein[/url]) ... lees meer

Dutch Stock Exchanges tops ranking on sustainability reporting

Despite tougher regulations and the growing relevance of “sustainability” as an investment theme, the breadth of sustainability reporting on stock exchanges globally has fallen since its peak in 2008, according to a new report commissioned by Aviva Investors. In a ranking of the world’s composite stock exchanges by overall sustainability disclosure, the Netherlands comes out on top, with Denmark (2), Finland (3) Spain (4) and South Africa (5) also in the top five. ... lees meer