Investing in Working Conditions in China Good For Business

Manufacturers that invest in working conditions can improve their profit margins and increase their competitive advantage, according to recent research by KPMG. Business Case Analysis for Responsible Electronics Manufacturing was commissioned as part of the IDH Electronics program, which focuses on establishing worker-management dialogue as a means to improving working conditions and facilitating operational efficiency. KPMG analyzed […] ... lees meer

Ambitions and objectives of UN sustainable development agreement subject to wide interpretations from stakeholders around the world, finds ACCA

New ACCA report shares the opinions of sustainability reporting experts to help in the development and take-up of paragraph 47. ACCA offers 11 recommendations to help governments intending to proceed with paragraph 47 implementation. The collective thinking of 49 sustainability reporting experts is captured in a new report from ACCA (the Association of Chartered Certified […] ... lees meer

37% of the employees in 24 countries find CSR behaviour of their employers ‘very important’

Four in ten (37%) employees in 24 countries indicate it is ‘very important’ for their own employers to be ‘responsible to society and the environment’.  This importance rises to 80% when it is combined with those employees who believe it is somewhat important (37% very/43% somewhat) their employer is responsible. Three in ten (29%) report […] ... lees meer

Groundbreaking Analysis Reveals Route for Businesses to Uncover Billions in Hidden Profits from Climate Change Action

Smart companies innovate their way through business challenges. A new analysis shows they can also innovate to solve a global challenge – and profit along the way. The 3% Solution: Driving Profits Through Carbon Reduction, released today by World Wildlife Fund (WWF) and CDP, provides a groundbreaking assessment of how companies can reap big profits […] ... lees meer

Building Demand for Sustainable Development

Changing Tack, the final report of The Regeneration Roadmap is available now. Thousands of business and sustainability professionals will tune in to a public webcast of the launch of Changing Tack, the outcome of months of global engagement on the sustainability agenda. Conveners GlobeScan and SustainAbility will host a live-streamed panel discussion on the report’s key findings. Jo Confino of Guardian Sustainable Business will moderate the discussion with senior executives from BMW, Cisco, FBDS and SC Johnson. ... lees meer

New report with overview of mandatory and voluntary approaches to sustainability reporting and assurance

A new updated reports has been published with an up-todate and expanded overview of mandatory and voluntary approaches to sustainability reporting and assurance. The updated publication covers most OECD countries, as well as new emerging market countries in addition to Brazil, India and South Africa, which were covered in the 2006 edition which gave a first time overview of sustainability reporting mandatory and voluntary approaches in a selection of countries worldwide. ... lees meer

With CSR in global demand, corporate reputation is at stake

No longer a nice-to-do, corporate social responsibility is now a reputational imperative – or liability. As revealed in the 2013 Cone Communications/Echo Global CSR Study, released today, companies are expected to be an active participant – if not a driving force – in solving the most pressing social and environmental issues. Corporations that disregard this consumer-demanded role risk more than their reputation – nine-in-10 global citizens say they would boycott if they learned of irresponsible behavior. ... lees meer

Unilever again world leader in Sustainability

Another year has passed and the results of the latest GlobeScan / SustainAbility opinion survey on leadership look startlingly similar: Unilever on top. That’s not the whole story of course – Patagonia continues its impressive rise in the eyes of our sustainability experts, Puma has entered the “top ten” for the first time ever, and our global expert pool proves that leadership is often best recognized when it’s familiar, with respondents most likely to cite leaders headquartered in the regions they are based in. ... lees meer

EU Commission moves to enhance business transparency on social and environmental matters

The European Commission has today proposed an amendment to existing accounting legislation in order to improve the transparency of certain large companies on social and environmental matters. Companies concerned will need to disclose information on policies, risks and results as regards environmental matters, social and employee-related aspects, respect for human rights, anti-corruption and bribery issues, and diversity on the boards of directors. ... lees meer

New report: Natural Capital at Risk: The Top 100 Externalities of Business

The study, “Natural Capital at Risk: The Top 100 Externalities of Business” was commissioned by the TEEB for Business Coalition to identify the world’s largest natural capital risks and opportunities for business and their investors. The report, authored by Trucost, quantifies environmental externalities such as damages from climate change, pollution, land conversion and depletion of natural resources, across business sectors and at a regional level. It demonstrates that the profits of high impact business sectors would be wiped out if the costs pof environmental damage and unsustainable natural resource use are accounted for. This report highlights the urgent need for businesses to manage natural capital assets and reduce liabilities. Businesses and investors can take account of natural capital impacts in decision making to manage risk and gain competitive advantage. ... lees meer