Partners collaborate on new ethical and sustainable procurement guide to improve working conditions for thousands around the world

Traidcraft, CIPS and the Walk Free Foundation have launched the guide in response to the human cost of sourcing cheaper goods in an increasingly competitive and complex global economy. The guide, Ethical and Sustainable Procurement, is designed to help buyers who may unknowingly be sourcing from companies operating outside the law or subjecting workers to […] ... lees meer

BSR/GlobeScan Survey Flags Integration of Sustainability within Companies as Core Challenge

esults from one of the world’s largest annual surveys ofcorporate sustainability executives underscore the importance of collaboration among business and external stakeholders to address climate change, among other key issues, in order to improve sustainability performance. This year, more than 700 business leaders from BSR’s global member network responded to the fifth annual BSR/GlobeScan State of Sustainable […] ... lees meer

Manager’s individual skills of vital importance to CSR performance

Managers matter. Organization capital, evident in management quality practices (MQP), plays a non-negligible role in shaping CSR performance. The research of Najah Attig (Saint Mary’s University, Canada) lends support to the proposition that organizations are reflections of their managers’ talents and abilities. He also urges future research to closely consider the distinctive unobservable manager-specific influences […] ... lees meer

Time has come for emerging market companies to fight corruption

Rapidly-expanding companies in emerging economies such as China and India must become more publicly accountable, anti-corruption group Transparency International said today. The 52-page report, Transparency in Corporate Reporting: Assessing Emerging Market Multinationals, scored 100 of the fastest-growing, companies based in 16 emerging markets. Three quarters of the emerging market companies scored less than 5 out […] ... lees meer

More sustainability in the chemical supply chain

In order to enhance sustainability within the supply chain the chemical companies BASF, Bayer, Evonik Industries, Henkel, LANXESS and Solvay joined forces in the Together for Sustainability (TfS) initiative. The TfS initiative has successfully concluded its first year of piloting sustainability assessments and audits in global supply chains.  TfS aims at developing and implementing a […] ... lees meer

Climate Earth Announces First Online Natural Capital Management System (NCMS)

Climate Earth, Inc., a leading provider of integrated systems, data and services for sustainability management, today announced its online Natural Capital Management System (NCMS) – an enterprise tool that provides visibility and insight to actively manage the risks and opportunities associated with natural capital dependencies (i.e., forestland use, water consumption and greenhouse gas emissions) across […] ... lees meer

Many exporting nations still turn a blind eye to bribing foreign officials

The governments of major exporting nations must do more to stop their multinational companies from bribing their way into international markets, the anti-corruption group Transparency Internationalsaid today in a report on enforcement of the OECD Anti-Bribery Convention. The Convention is an agreement among 40 major exporting countries to stop the practice of bribing foreign governments – […] ... lees meer

Sustainable products, a key factor for Far Eastern businesses

Product sustainability is becoming key for Asian businesses. This is one of the key findings from an international survey conducted by the research institute GFK Eurisko and DNV Business Assurance, on more than 2300 professionals from companies across different industries in Europe, North America, Central & South America and Asia. Need and capability to deliver sustainable products The strongest […] ... lees meer

Results of large EU IMPACT CSR study published

Since its launch in 2010, the IMPACT Project (“Impact Measurement and Performance Analysis of CSR”) has been the first systematic attempt to assess and measure the contribution of CSR to the social, economic and environmental goals of the European Union. Its consortium unites 16 leading universities, business schools, research institutes, think tanks, and membership network […] ... lees meer

How Firms Innovate Their Business Models for Sustainability

Historically, most companies advanced their sustainability credentials through reporting, efficiency or even just good marketing. Approaches often involved streamlining processes or products to achieve a smaller environmental footprint.These innovations are worthwhile and move us closer to sustainable development, but they don’t address the underlying value structure of a company. They are incrementally better, but not […] ... lees meer