Business Progress on Sustainability Has Stalled, Says New Report

Companies around the world are struggling to make progress on climate change, resource efficiency and natural capital dependency, according to the 2014 State of Green Business report published by GreenBiz Group in partnership with Trucost plc. The seventh annual edition of the report, which measures the global progress of large, publicly traded companies in addressing a myriad […] ... lees meer

New report and Project MainStream Circular Economy launched today at World Economic Forum 2014

The  Ellen MacArthur Foundation announced the release of the third volume of our macro-economic reports and officially launched Project MainStream at the Congress Centre, World Economic Forum, Davos. The World Economic Forum is working in partnership with the we announced the release of the third volume of our macro-economic reports and officially launched Project MainStream at the Congress Centre, World Economic Forum, Davos. The World […] ... lees meer

RobecoSAM publishes annual Sustainability Yearbook – Which companies made it to the top?

RobecoSAM, the investment specialist focused exclusively on Sustainability Investing, today announced the publication of its annual Sustainability Yearbook. The yearbook looks back at companies’ sustainability performance in 2013 and ranks them as Gold, Silver or Bronze. The top performing company from each of the 59 industries is awarded RobecoSAM Industry Leader. Since 1999, RobecoSAM has […] ... lees meer

Regulatory uncertainty stymies corporate investment in supply chain sustainability

Companies are increasingly recognizing climate risk in their supply chains, but investment in emissions reductions programs is going down, according to research published today by CDP and Accenture (NYSE: ACN). Importantly, a clear link is established between stalling progress on emissions reductions within supply chains and the uncertain regulatory framework. According to the report, Collaborative action on climate risk, ever […] ... lees meer

New book about effective business in a circular economy

Upward trending and volatile materials and energy prices, difficult credit conditions and the myriad opportunities of the digital revolution are combining to make a circular economy the key value driver for the coming decades. The new book ‘A New Dynamic’ makes the contemporary case for a profound shift from throughput and a linear ’take-make-dispose’ economy to […] ... lees meer

Value Driver Model Helps Companies Communicate Financial Impact of Sustainable Business Strategies

Underscoring efforts to advance the integration of material ESG issues into financial markets, the UN Global Compact in collaboration with the Principles for Responsible Investment (PRI) and Global Compact LEAD, has released a practical Value Driver Model. The new model helps companies to assess and communicate the financial impact of their sustainable business strategies and […] ... lees meer

How Unilever and Interface are tackling resource issues

The latest edition of The Journal Inside Track focuses on the concept of the circular economy, with expert commentary from business and other stakeholders.The features look at how it can be made to work in practice and its resource security and business benefits. Dan Rogerson MP describes how Defra is acting to support the shift […] ... lees meer

How overconsumption and intensive meat production wrecks the planet

Intensive meat and dairy production is having an increasingly devastating impact on society and the environment, according to a new ‘Meat Atlas’ published today by Friends of the Earth Europe and the Heinrich Boell Foundation. The way we produce and consume meat and dairy needs a radical rethink. Our industrialised production system is untenable, according to the […] ... lees meer

Culture not the key to corruption

Ground-breaking research led by Swinburne University of Technology academics has undermined the common assumption that cultural factors are to blame for business and government corruption in countries undergoing political and economic transformation. The study, coordinated by members of Swinburne’s Faculty of Business and Enterprise, surveyed 868 managers in the public and private sectors in Poland, […] ... lees meer