CEOs and Consumers Disconnected on Sustainable Products and Services

Only a third of consumers regularly consider sustainability in their purchasing decisions, according to a global study by Accenture and Havas Media RE:PURPOSE, which reveals the reasons for the disconnect between business and consumer expectations of sustainable products and services. The report, “From Marketing to Mattering”, is based on a survey of 30,000 consumers in 20 […] ... lees meer

UN Global Compact Expels 285 Companies in First Half of 2014

The UN Global Compact today announced that it has expelled 285 companies in the first half of 2014 for failure to communicate progress for at least two consecutive years. The list of 285 expelled companies can be found here. These expelled companies represent eight percent of the 3,404 participants due to submit a Communication on Progress […] ... lees meer

Economic ramifications of climate change move cities to protect businesses, finds CDP report

The majority of the world’s major cities have disclosed that climate change presents a physical risk to the businesses operating in their cities. This real and current threat is driving local governments to take concrete action in response, so finds Protecting our Capital, a new report from CDP, formerly Carbon Disclosure Project, AECOM and C40 Cities Climate Leadership Group […] ... lees meer

Higher EU recycling targets to drive transition to a Circular Economy

Today the Commission adopted proposals to turn Europe into a more circular economy and boost recycling in the Member States. Achieving the new waste targets would create 580 000 new jobs compared to today’s performance, while making Europe more competitive and reducing demand for costly scarce resources. The proposals also mean lower environmental impacts and reduced […] ... lees meer

G20 leaders: Unmask the corrupt

G20 officials meeting in Australia later this year must make it harder for the corrupt to hide behind secret companies, Transparency International said today as it launched a global campaign to “unmask the corrupt”. Today many leading economies do not require or record information about who really owns or controls companies registered in their country, […] ... lees meer

Social Enterprise Unraveled: best practices of Dutch social enterprise sector

The social enterprise is an up and coming phenomenon around the world. Businesses with a primary aim to better the world are claiming a distinct place amongst commercial enterprises, charities and public sector organizations. Social Enterprise Unraveled, by Mark Hillen en Willemijn Verloop, describes the best practice from the impact first business sector in the […] ... lees meer

Large industry players commit to mainstream sustainability in Pulp & Paper sector

A sector-wide initiative that aims to accelerate Indonesia’s progress towards mainstreaming sustainability in the Pulp and Paper industry was launched today in Jakarta. STIPP, the Sustainability Trade Initiative on Pulp & Paper, is founded by an international alliance consisting of IDH, The Sustainable Trade Initiative, Asia Pulp and Paper Group (APP) and AkzoNobel. STIPP is supported by the Indonesian […] ... lees meer

PwC Survey Finds Majority of Investors Consider Sustainability Issues

Sustainability issues are increasingly relevant to investors as they seek to integrate environmental and corporate responsibility factors in both current and future investment practices. New research released today by PwC US examines the influence sustainability issues have on investment decision-making, primarily among large institutions that provide considerable capital to finance growth for companies. “The purpose […] ... lees meer

New book: ‘Lobbying for Good’- How business advocacy can accelerate the delivery of a sustainable economy

The business case for sustainability or corporate responsibility will never be strong enough to support an isolated business in its competition against the unscrupulous. The progressive vanguard reaches a point where it can advance no further without rendering itself uncompetitive. That is, unless advocacy and public policy intervention change the rules and shift the bar […] ... lees meer