It is the first ever open-access resource for anyone who wants to find out more about SROI and includes an interactive colour film, a practical introduction to the power of SROI and a step-by-step guide to how it works.

Many organisations across all sectors have a strong and growing interest in measuring the value that is created through a socially and/or environmentally oriented investment. By presenting some of this value in monetary terms, the case for investment in organisations that create ‘value’ for people, society and communities, beyond the financial is substantially strengthened. In the private sector, SROI can be used to understand the effectiveness of a community investment, manage risk, engage stakeholders or identify profitable initiatives.

The SROI Primer is an accessible, informative and engaging web-based tool to build understanding of the basic principles of how social and /or environmental value can be created, measured and valued. It is being promoted by the Global Social Venture Competition ( to business school students around world as an integral part of their preparation to enter the competition.

The tool has been developed by London Business School and nef, and is funded by the Social Enterprise Unit of the Department of Trade and Industry’s Small Business Service with support from the European Social Fund Equal Programme through the Social Enterprise Partnership (GB).