“Turning now to Corporate Social Responsibility: in 2007, we made CSR a key element of our global strategy. We believe CSR is essential to the longer-term success – even survival – of the business.

During the past year we organized our efforts into four key priorities: Healthy Living, Sustainable Trade, Climate Action, and Community Engagement. These areas are important to our stakeholders, and are where we can make the greatest contribution. All of our operating companies have Corporate Social Responsibility programs underway in each of these areas.

Just as you have asked, from this year on we will publish a CSR report annually, and at the same time as our annual report. Our 2007 CSR report, which we published last month, contains many examples of the great initiatives our teams are delivering across the business – I hope you will take the time to read it.

Though we have many activities underway, we still have much to learn and much to do, especially in complex areas such as climate action. We are participating enthusiastically with industry bodies and others to seek solutions and make improvements to the way we are tackling these issues. We are also in the process of setting clear targets within our own business.”