CDP disclosure – how to improve your performance in 2021


14:00 - 15:00


Online webinar
CDP disclosure – how to improve your performance in 2021

Join one of CDP’s gold climate change consultancy partners, South Pole, as we discuss top tips for CDP disclosure in 2021.

Whether you’re just starting out on your disclosure journey and want to use CDP’s reporting framework to elevate your sustainability strategy, or you’re a seasoned CDP reporting organisation looking to make the “A-list”, our latest webinar can help kickstart your organisation’s climate change, forest or water security disclosure. As one of CDP’s gold climate change consultancy partners, we’ll bring you up to date guidance and expert advice for the 2021 reporting season.

You’ll learn:

  • The business case for CDP and how it can support your organisation’s sustainability journey
  • What’s new for 2021 – an introduction to Net Zero strategy and how it will support the climate change questionnaire in 2021
  • How to improve your score using a gap analysis, scoring simulation and disclosure support
  • Beyond the climate change questionnaire – how to navigate your water security and forest disclosure
  • Your questions answered – interactive Q&A to close the session

Register here

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