“The European Pact for Sustainable Industry: Making the European Green Deal a Success”


11:00 - 12:30


Online webinar
“The European Pact for Sustainable Industry: Making the European Green Deal a Success”

On 22 February, CSR Europe will host the virtual roundtable “The European Pact for Sustainable Industry: Making the European Green Deal a Success” at the EU Industry Week 2021. The event will be the first of a series of meetings convened by CSR Europe to make sustainability the driver for the inclusive, green, and digital growth of the 27 million enterprises operating in Europe.

Companies, large and small, are increasingly asked to adopt a sustainable and inclusive approach to growth, leaving no one behind, decoupling economic development from environmental degradation, and shifting from a volume- to a value-driven economy.

With the Pact, we want to support European industry sectors and federations in setting the direction for thousands of their enterprises by gradually rolling-out of a mature and holistic Sustainability Strategy by 2024.

Industry federations, companies, and business representatives are invited to register to learn about the Pact and how to engage. During the meeting, participants will hear from Industry federations about their experience in setting the next frontier of sustainability for all their member companies. CSR Europe will present the successful examples of sector and cross-sector collaborations undertaken by companies to scale up their impact on the ground, such as the collaborative platform Responsible Trucking and the project Upskill4Futue.

Last – but not least – CSR Europe will also present the new European Sustainable Industry Barometer that is being developed in collaboration with Moody’s Vigeo Eiris. The instrument will provide data on the sustainability level and maturity of European industry federations, demonstrating the progress made and where additional efforts are needed.

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