Online event: Launch of CHANGING THE GAME book


16:00 - 17:30


Online webinar
Online event: Launch of CHANGING THE GAME book

During this free event, the book Changing the Game will be launched. The focus of this book is captured very well in the subtitle: Sustainable Market Transformation Strategies to understand and tackle the big, complex sustainability challenges of our lifetime.

In this event, you will meet the editors Lucas Simons and Andre Nijhof and many co-authors. In subsession you can do a deep dive in one of the sectors included in the book: Agriculture, Construction, Energy, Finance, Chemistry, Tourism, Gold and Textile.

The main focus is on how to apply the learnings of this book in your own practice. For this, many examples will be shared next to a link to a website that presents more tools, reports and presentations you can use.

The session will be in English and is facilitated by Zoom.

Register here


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