Sustainability Internship

  • Stageplaats
  • Amsterdam


Hi, we are Icecat!

A growing team of passionate people on a mission to create the ultimate platform for product content syndication.

Icecat is a global leader in product content syndication, helping organisations deliver enriched, engaging, consistent, and compelling product information across various platforms and channels. Trusted by more than 40,000 of the world’s most successful e-commerce businesses, Icecat empowers global brands, manufacturers, distributors, and retailers to deliver omnichannel customer experiences that turn browsers into buyers.

We’re now looking for an awesome Sustainability Intern who is bursting with curiosity and initiative and would be keen to join our team!

What will you do?

  • Research and interpret EU and international sustainability regulations relevant to Icecat’s operations
  • Analyse the potential impacts of legislative changes on the company’s sustainability practices
  • Coordinate with product teams to ensure accurate integration of compliance data into Icecat’s product information management system
  • Prepare reports and presentations on sustainability trends and regulation updates for senior management
  • Engage with external stakeholders to gather insights and best practices in sustainability compliance

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