Webinar ‘Land-based emissions in carbon accounting: FLAG & LSRG’


11:00 - 12:00


Online webinar
Webinar 'Land-based emissions in carbon accounting: FLAG & LSRG'

Land-based emissions are about 10% of fossil-based emissions on a global scale. However, in some industries, such as the agricultural sector, land-based emissions make up a considerably higher share of the total climate impact.

In this webinar, we will explain how to incorporate land-based emissions in corporate (or product) carbon footprints:

  • What are land-based emissions and why are they important?
  • What does the Land Sector Removal Guidance (LSRG) of the GHG Protocol say?
  • What does the Forest, Land and Agriculture (FLAG) of the SBTi say?
  • How to account fo land-based emissions in practice?

The webinar is hosted by Carbon+Alt+Delete, with an expert contribution of Sacha Breyer (senior consultant at Climact).


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