Webinar ‘How circular is your business?’


13:00 - 14:00


Online webinar
Webinar 'How circular is your business?'

How circular is your business? Reporting on your circular economy performance using the latest standards

With the rise of new reporting standards and legislation on sustainability reporting, such as the GRI 306, ISO 59020, ESRS E5 and the CTI, more and more businesses are looking to implement circular economy metrics in their reporting and strategy.

​With the introduction of the Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD), circular economy performance reporting will become mandatory for nearly 50.000 businesses in Europe.

​The challenge: many metrics frameworks tend to be immature, and data and knowledge gaps make it difficult to start and proceed with the effort. On top of that, circular economy performance reporting requires very different data and data infrastructure compared to other ESG topics.

​After contributing to many of the existing standards and frameworks, and supporting more than 100 businesses to assess their performance, we are eager to share the best practices and methods to report on your circular economy performance. During this webinar, we will explain how you can implement circular metrics in your organisation while minimising the resources and time needed by focusing on what matters most.

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