Webinar Update EU Taxonomy


16:00 - 17:30


Online webinar
Webinar Update EU Taxonomy

On Monday, 8 April 2024, KPMG will host the Webinar Update EU Taxonomy. In this webinar, you will gain the latest updates on regulatory developments, practical learnings from alignment reporting and the first insights from 2023 EU Taxonomy disclosures across European companies.

This event is aimed to inform Sustainability Managers, Sustainability Reporting Managers, Reporting Managers, Financial Controllers, Managers Financial Accounting & Reporting, Compliance Managers, ESG Managers, Sustainability Officers, Finance Reporting Managers, and Finance Directors. Please note that the session is most effective with a basic knowledge of the EU Taxonomy.


With the first CSRD reports due in 2025 — for companies with year-ending 31 December 2024 — the EU Taxonomy disclosures will become part of the Sustainability Statements and come into scope of limited assurance. In this webinar we will also provide more insights into what this means for your company.

Key takeaways of this online session:

  • What are the key insights in reporting EU Taxonomy eligibility and alignment over 2023?
  • What are the disclosure requirements for 2024?
  • What will limited assurance procedures on EU Taxonomy disclosures entail?


Marco Frikkee (Host)
Partner, Sustainability Reporting, KPMG

Gijs de Graaff
Partner, Sustainability Reporting, KPMG

Laura Schröder – van Oorschot
Director, Sustainability Reporting, KPMG

More information/registration

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