International Integrity Conference


09:00 - 17:00


George Maduroplein 1, Den Haag, 2584 RZ
International Integrity Conference

Sparking conversations and promoting progress for integrity across all sectors

After 3 years of digital editions, we’re excited to finally welcome attendees in person at the 7th edition of the International Integrity Conference, which will be held in The Hague on Friday, December 8th.

This unique multi-stakeholder conference on integrity, trust and the fight against corruption aims to inspire and exchange ideas.

2023 THEME | The Moral Compass: Shared values in a Global Context

Integrity is not just an abstract principle; it is the bedrock upon which our shared values rest and thrive. As we navigate the nuanced landscapes of Climate Responsibility, Geopolitical Resilience, the Digital Evolution, Economic Dynamics, and Supply Chain Integrity, our commitment to unwavering integrity is what ensures that we do so with a vision that is both sustainable and equitable.

Through solution-oriented dialogues, our aim is to find shared solutions.

More information/registration

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