GRI produces a comprehensive sustainability reporting framework that is widely used around the world. GRI is now working on the next generation of its Sustainability Reporting Guidelines – G4. As part of the development process, the second Public Comment Period is now open for organizations and individuals to share their views and help shape the structure and content of G4.

Nelmara Arbex, Deputy Chief Executive of the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI), who is leading the G4 development process, said: “We are at a point now where companies and other organizations have to be transparent about their economic, environmental and social performance: customers, suppliers, investors , governments and other stakeholders expect it. This exposure draft of the new generation of Guidelines – G4 – shows how G4 will help all organizations take a step towards much more focused, relevant reports, covering material topics.”

The G4 development is focused on five main areas – Boundary, Application Levels, Governance and Remuneration, Supply Chain, and Disclosures on Management Approach – and Working Groups have produced new and updated content. This content is now available for public comment. Individuals and organizations can provide feedback by answering questions about the new content and providing editorial suggestions and comments in the text of the exposure draft.

GRI invites all interested people and organizations to participate in the second G4 Public Comment Period. Feedback on the draft documents will guide the GRI Secretariat, Working Groups, and governance bodies to finalize the development of G4.

The content is available online from 25 June to 25 September 2012. It is available in English, and respondents can log in and out of the system as many times as they like.