Webinar ‘The Voluntary Carbon Market 2023 Outlook’


16:00 - 17:00


Online webinar
Webinar 'The Voluntary Carbon Market 2023 Outlook'

Join South Pole for a deep dive into the voluntary carbon market

Many companies have recognised the powerful role of carbon credits within their climate strategies to drive meaningful action outside their value chains. But for both new market entrants and long-term buyers to tap into the evolving voluntary carbon market for strategic advantage, they need to understand what’s happening.

What will you learn?

With over 17 years experience developing projects and supporting companies to compensate for over 170 million tonnes of CO2, we’ve translated our market insights into what to know for the year ahead.


  • Bamshad Houshyani, Director Project Development & Implementation, Climate Projects Management, South Pole
  • Judit Legrady, Senior Carbon Portfolio Offering Manager, South Pole
  • Moderator Isabel Hagbrink, Director of Communications, South Pole

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