Brightlands Chemelot Campus driver of 9.6 million euros circular European SYSCHEMIQ project

The new international research and demonstration project SYSCHEMIQ is receiving a €9.6 million financial boost from the European Union’s Horizon Green Deal program. The program is intended to facilitate the systemic transition to a circular economy in the region. SYSCHEMIQ is the first concrete project within the Chemelot Circular Hub program and encompasses the Limburg […] ... lees meer

Maastricht School of Management ramps up commitment to sustainability & CSR

With sustainability at its core, Maastricht School of Management, as a unique Dutch business school, is preparing MBA students to make a difference. In 2006, the United Nations Global Compact—the world’s largest corporate sustainability initiative—presented at the UN Global Forum on the topic of Business as an Agent of World Benefit. The UN body proposed […] ... lees meer

Harvard Business School Announces A New Executive Education Program To Enhance Firm Value Through Strategic CSR

Harvard Business School (HBS), with more than 50 years’ experience in executive education, announces a new business strategy program that addresses the increasing emphasis on corporate social responsibility as an important component of good business practice. Corporate Social Responsibility: Strategies to Create Business and Social Value is being launched on the HBS campus from October 23 to 26, 2005. ... lees meer