In gesprek met Melissa Minguez Garcia: ‘iedereen met wie ik samenwerk, ziet dat duurzame verandering goed is’ ‘Structureel iets veranderen in de foodindustrie, en laten zien dat positieve impact hand in hand gaat met commercieel succes’, dat is de missie van Future Food Matters, het bedrijf van Melissa. We gaan haar even voorstellen. Yes, Future Food […]
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Yesterday I returned from COP16, the UN’s global biodiversity summit in Cali, Colombia. In Cali, the world’s governments are tasked with charting a path towards “making peace with nature”. In 2022, 195 governments committed to protecting 30% of the planet and to halt and reverse the loss of nature by 2030. But in the last […]
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Three moves can help I have always believed that the boardroom, and the individuals who fill it, have a responsibility not just to the company, not just to investors, but to all stakeholders and to society as a whole. Fiduciary duties would support this in most jurisdictions, although their interpretation is often narrower. Indeed, many […]
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In a few weeks, negotiators, politicians, businesses and activists from around the world will descend on Dubai for COP28, this year’s annual global climate summit. The meeting will conclude with the first ever “global stocktake” to assess our progress on tackling climate change. People are divided about the usefulness of these international meetings. Some write […]
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Planet Yes is een SaaS platform dat jouw organisatie helpt om MVO helemaal te omarmen. We weten wat er komt kijken bij het ontwikkelen van MVO. Met ons unieke automatische workflow helpen we je op de goede weg en maken we MVO eenvoudig en praktisch. Zo wordt MVO behapbaar en navigeer je in een rechte […]
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The Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD) is EU legislation intended to improve the quality of disclosure on corporate non-financial information to accelerate the transition to a sustainable economy by 2050, and combat greenwashing, by ensuring sustainability data are comparable, relevant and reliable. This will benefit all stakeholders. The Directive, which was approved in early November, […]
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Marketingactiviteiten zijn over het algemeen gericht op het creëren van vraag en het stimuleren van consumptie. Dit lukt vrij aardig, maar leidt ook tot steeds grotere klimaatproblemen. Het zou dus mooi zijn als merken consumenten kunnen aanzetten tot minder consumeren. Kotler en Levy (1971) noemden dit demarketing. Maar hoe doe je dat dan als merk? Anti-consumptie en duurzaamheidssignalen In hun onderzoek geven Armstrong […]
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With the sustainability emergency, businesses can no longer give priority to commercial interests (and financial gains) and close their eyes to societal and environmental interests. We need a new, higher perspective to close the gap. We need to formulate a new business logic and a sustainable value creation method for sustainable business, for their customers […]
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Today my book is being published and I’d like to share an exclusive preview with you. Below are the passages which get to the heart of Net Positive: How Courageous Companies Thrive by Giving More Than They Take, written with my good friend Andrew Winston. In essence, a Net Positive company profits by fixing the world’s […]
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Hoe kunnen de SDG’s en een bredere welvaart samengaan met technologie(ontwikkeling) in de toekomst? Het devies van Herman Mulder, voorzitter van SDG Nederland, is urgentiebesef, waardengedreven ontwikkeling en de noodzaak van een joint effort: “een grote ja” van overheden, bedrijfsleven, onderwijs en maatschappelijke organisaties. SDG-trends en uitdagingen Op de vraag welke trends een rol spelen […]
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In November 2020, His Royal Highness (HRH) The Prince of Wales called for all large businesses around the world to appoint a chief sustainability officer (CSO). He argued that the CSO “is fast becoming one of the most important and influential roles in the corporate world and is increasingly central to market competitiveness.” This is because the […]
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The recipients of the 2020 United Nations Global Climate Action Awards were announced yesterday, shining a light on some of the best examples of what people across the globe are doing to combat climate change in a year that has cast darkness upon so many. The 2020 winners of the UN Global Climate Action Award […]
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